03 375 09 00

Abtsdreef 143 B01 • 2940 Stabroek

An air conditioner in the bathroom

An air conditioner in the bathroom?
Perfectly possible!

A lot of people opt for an air conditioning system in the living room and bedroom, but did you know that an air conditioner can also add value in the bathroom? We give you a few reasons to consider an air conditioner in the bathroom.

Tailor-made temperature at lightning speed

A cold bathroom in the morning, hateful, right? Especially in winter, a pleasant bathroom heater is a must. With a high-performance air conditioning system or an air-to-air heat pump as an alternative, you’ll heat your bathroom efficiently.

An air conditioner doesn’t take much time at all to bring your bathroom up to temperature. Within 10 minutes you will have a comfortable temperature. By the way, did you know that a lot of air conditioners come with wifi, which means you can even control the air conditioner from your bath or bed. This way you start your day in a very pleasant way or it’s great relaxing in the evening.

We like to look at the possibilities together with you

Electrical appliances and moisture, that wants to fight quite a bit. Therefore, not every air conditioner is suitable for the bathroom either. We are happy to review with you which air conditioner will do, although a minimum distance from the shower, bathtub or sink will still be required. In most cases, we can still install an air conditioning heater in the bathroom.

Not too much power needed

If you don’t have a ballroom like bathroom, then it won’t take too much power to heat or cool your bathroom. We have a lot of compact air conditioners that can deliver the necessary power and look good too. Think wall-mounted models or compact floor models. We provide your bathroom with a beautiful indoor unit, allowing you to enjoy your bathroom even more.

Contact us

Would you like to consider the possibilities of an air conditioner in the bathroom or in another room, or would you like a custom quote right away? Contact us and we’ll get you all the info you need. If desired, we will also come and take a look on site to assess the situation.